Monday, April 15, 2013


Yes, I have to teach my son a nice way to ask someone if he can sit in the chair they are in.  Kevin has been doing wonderful at school, but the other day he wanted to get on the computer that someone else was on.  What did he say to her?  "Get up."  Hmmm ... when the teacher told me that I thought that is something we need to work on.  Now as for the girl she did get up, but she was not happy with Kevin.  I don't blame her at all.  So when he came over to me while I was sitting in the recliner I knew what he wanted but I told him to to say please first.  No, he didn't say "get up" to me.  He just stood there staring at me.  The trick is with Kevin instructions have to be short and to the point or you will loose him right off the bat.  Shoot I have the same problem with my youngest son.  Anyway, today I'll be thinking up phrases that might work for him.

Going gluten free for myself.  I wasn't sure if I would notice a difference, but I really do.  One night I decided to have a couple of malt beverages and the next day I could not focus for nothing.  In a way I kind of understand what Kevin's world is like when he gets casein now.  Boy, I'm very glad I went gluten free.  I had to laugh at my youngest yesterday afternoon. He had me pick up a sandwich at a fast food place on my way home from the grocery store.  While he ate his lunch I made the Sesame Teriyaki Chicken Salad I just posted on my Aunt B's Blog.  He came in the kitchen and had this look of disappointment when he saw our lunch.  I just smiled and after I made Kevin's & my lunch I told Garrett I left a little chicken for him if he wanted it. You know he did.  It was gone before I could finish my salad.

Hmmm ... manners.  "Can I sit there?"  Short and to the point.