Friday, August 30, 2013

1st Week of School Done

What an awesome week we've had!  The boys are back in school and this week has gone by fast.  Kevin is at a new high school this year due to the program being closed at his old school.  I took Kevin with me the Friday before school started to drop off his medication that he needs during the afternoon.  While we were there we got to meet his new teacher.  I think I lucked out.  I don't have to explain Gluten Free or Casein Free for the first time in years.  His new teacher is on a similar diet herself, so no crash course for her.  Another big plus, the two assistants from his classroom last year have been transferred to his classroom.  I talked to Mr. T on the  phone the first day of school while he was outside waiting with the car riders. He wanted to see if I was picking Kevin up like I did last year or was he riding the bus.  While talking to Mr. T he said Kevin saw him when he got off the bus that morning and gave him a big hug.  I already knew that Mr. T is one of Kevin's favorites, but that just proved it even more.  Ms. Jones the other assistant wrote in Kevin's communication notebook that he's been answering questions from the work board and he's been getting most of the answers right. Yeah Kevin!  He loves school and when he finishes I just hope his CAP (Client Assistance Program) has kicked in.  There are other things I want to do when the boys both finish high school, but that's a ways off right now and something to think about as time goes on.  Right now I'll worry about this school year and helping both boys have the best year possible.

Angel watching for Kevin

So far having both boys at two different schools getting out at the same time hasn't been a problem.  Let just hope I didn't jinx myself there.

Very Happy Kevin

PS: Sorry no picture of Garrett. He was already in his cave. LOL

Friday, August 16, 2013

Short Vacation

This summer I had planned on doing several things with the boys, but one thing after another changed my schedule.  We did get away for a long weekend to my sisters house in Ormond Beach, FL.  Nothing like a day relaxing on the beach.

Kevin ready for the sun

Garrett and his cousin Cody heading out to the sandbar

Vacationing with someone that's on a gluten free diet can be hard, but when you throw a casein free diet in the mix it gets even harder.  Thankfully we were heading to my sister house, so I didn't have to worry about much of anything.  For the road trip down and back I took lunch meat and made sandwiches at the rest areas.  Plus we had simple snacks for in the car just in case anyone got hungry. During our stay at my sisters I already knew where the local heath food store was located, so that was the first stop in town when we got there. The only mistake I made was one night running to the health food store to get Kevin a frozen pizza and not getting one that was gluten free.  Slap my head!  When I got back to the house with it I realized I didn't check for gluten free.  I was so caught up in looking for one that was dairy free that I didn't check for gluten free on the box.  Luckily I had just bought it and Holly, my sister, called them to make sure they'd take it back when I went back to the store.  LOL I had no choice but to go back for another pizza, but we weren't sure if they would take the one I'd just bought back.  The manager did check it to make sure it was still cold before ringing up the return.  Thankfully I had one of the hot/cold shopping bags with me when I bought it and in the end things fell into place.  Kevin and I had pizza along with everyone else.

It was nice getting away for a few days even if it was just for a long weekend.  I needed a break from the house and the boys needed to get out of the house.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Guardian of the Person

Today I was sworn in as Kevin’s Legal Guardian.   Yes, I actually put my hand on a bible during the process.  I had two choices for being sworn in and I chose to have it done on the bible.   I cannot describe to you how it felt to have my son declared Incompetent.  I know I’ll hear a lot of “You did the right thing for him” and so on, but that is not what I’m talking about.  I know I did the right thing for him.  Kevin can’t make decisions about medical care, educational choices and in the future choices for after school programs.   Some people feel a sense of loss when they find out that they have an Autism child.  I didn't only because one of the first things his doctor said to us was “He can be taught”.  I thought okay that’s something to build on.  I never thought at that time that I’d have him declared incompetent.  During the hearing I never gave any of it a thought until the very end when the Judge said yes he will be declared incompetent.  That brought tears to my eyes.  Thankfully, the Judge also recognized and remarked on how hard it is for a parent to make this decision.  It was hard to come to terms with.  Kevin’s father and I discussed it months before he passed away.   He knew that the term incompetent really bothered me and I think he understood how I felt about it.

Why did I do it you ask, well let me tell you.  If you have a child that is handicapped like Kevin and when they turn 18 then you will not be able to make any of the decision for him or her.  As it is I've been working with his Doctors and Case Workers for so long now that they have looked to me for answers to their questions without thought.  They know he can’t answer them, but one of these days I would have hit a brick wall without that document.  I was very lucky to have someone as my legal representative and to guide me through the process.  Yes, you can do it on your own, but it will take longer and as I found out you will make mistakes on the paperwork.  I tried to address this myself at first, but in the end after feeling so much stress with the emotions of the process I opted to have someone help me.  There are some things you will be asked to present to prove their incompetency.  For Kevin it was reports from his doctors showing that he is in fact Autistic.  The other was his IEP plan (Individualized Education Program).  I also had a report from a test that showed Kevin’s abilities levels.  The one thing I just happened to have with me was his social security number.  I needed it for the last form I filled out before being sworn in.  That is something I never carry with me and I just decided at the last minute to put it in my wallet.  Kevin himself had a representative appointed by the court and she came by the house to interview me and meet Kevin.  At the end of my meeting she asked me for documents from his doctor’s and his IEP.  I was not prepared for that.  We had just torn our office apart to remodel it (hopefully to make it a little more functional) and I had no idea where that stuff was at the time.  It took me a minute or two to dig them out and make copies for her to take with her, so be prepared when someone comes to the house to represent your child.

All of that is behind us now and we are off on a new adventure.  We are going to visit my sister and her family in Florida.  We can’t wait!  It’s time for a few minutes of R&R, if you ask me.  Where did July go, anyway?  I barely remember the 4th of July.   I remember going to Michele’s and watching Kevin & Dylan bond once again.  Okay that put a smile on my face just now.  Then Garrett and Dylan did a little golfing in the backyard.  Okay, it may have been a little on the put-put side of golf, but they had fun.  Let’s not forget Cole.  Kevin thought he was something, which didn't surprise me.  Kevin likes babies, but Cole is getting to be more of a toddler now days.  These kids are growing on us fast!  I almost forgot! Yes, I am still Gluten Free myself.  Best thing I ever did for myself.

Garrett and Dylan

Kevin and Dylan

Little Man Cole