Is it my imagination that I reduced Kevin’s Risperdal from 3 full pills a day to 3 - ½ pills a day?
Is it my imagination that for the 1st summer ever I was able to get through it without having to call his doctor for help, because he didn’t have any agitation issues that summer?
Is it my imagination that when Kevin went back to school in August that all of his teachers noticed a difference and wanted to know what I was doing for him?
Is it my imagination that he seemed happier and more alert during the summer?
No, none of this was my imagination and it most certainly it wasn’t my imagination that he was very alert last night watching his movie, singing & quoting the movie the whole time. I never said this diet would cure him. At his age it’s too late for that, but I did say I was out to help him. Summer is coming and I want another summer without issues.