Kevin's Dragon |
Yeah, we had a rough weekend with Kevin and I'm out of practice with this. It's been so long since he's been like this to tell you the truth. It started Friday when I picked him up at school. I noticed he was dragging his feet getting into the car and I was thinking it was because he was tired. As soon as he got in the car I could tell it wasn't that at all. I gave him his medication and dropped him and Garrett off at the house where their grandmother was waiting for us. I had to get back to work, because I was the only there that afternoon. My boss had to go pick up her grandson after school herself. Friday's are usually my days to be there, so she can have a half day off. So, when I dropped them off I asked Garrett to give him some tonic water to see if that would help Kevin. I called to check on them and the tonic water along with the extra medication seemed to help him. Saturday rolled around and it started all over again. At this point I knew the best thing to do was to keep flushing whatever he got out of his system and hope that's the answer to his problems. No extra medication on Saturday. Sunday I was going to take Garrett out for some driving time, which he needs badly. We went up to help my mother with putting her awing frame down on her trailer, which didn't turn out well at all, and Kevin started back up while we were there. I ended up driving us back home, because when Kevin gets like this it's hard for Garrett to focus on driving. We got back home and I ended giving him extra medication along with more tonic water. Why keep giving him the tonic water you ask? It takes time to flush out any Gluten or Casein he may have gotten in his system. Did you know that tonic water helps with leg cramps? Back to Kevin. If you remember when you first remove Gluten it takes several months to remove it completely and to allow the stomach to heal. When he gets a small amount it's a setback and there's no telling how long it can take to help his stomach to heal again. It can take a weekend, a week or even a month. Casein isn't as bad and usually with Kevin it's out within a day or two. All of it depends on how much he gets. For Kevin (everyone is different on this) it takes about 4 hours for him to react to the gluten. As far as I can tell Casein takes about the same amount of time, maybe a little less. So, for today I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I sent him off to school giving him more tonic water this morning just to play it safe.
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