Wednesday, May 22, 2013

2013 Prom and Changes

First I want to say that Kevin had a wonderful time at the Special Prom at Rocky River High School.  I heard he danced!  Don't you just wish you could be a fly on the wall sometimes.  This year I decided to buy him a suit coat to wear.  The two of us went to Kohl's one day and he tried one a couple of different coats. I had thought of going by myself to get the coat, but changed my mind after measuring him.  Truthfully I'm so glad I took him.  It was so much fun to watch him look at himself in the mirror. You could tell that he was excited about wearing it.  In the end I had two coats that I couldn't decide on, so I held them up and said which one.  He picked the one I thought was the best one of the two. He has such good taste.  Next I mentioned that he'll need a belt. Off he went to the belts and pick one out before I could even look at them.  Thankfully there was one in his size.  Sure we could have picked another, but this was about his Prom Dance.

Prom 2013

I did buy a tie just in case we needed it, but instead of the tie he wore my Father's Bolo Tie that my Grandfather made years ago.  I think he had a lot of fun that day.  As for myself I was my usual self worrying. We had just changed his medication the day before, because he had been have problems at school again with getting really worked up.  One day his teacher called me and said we need his medication. When she brought him out to the car she was having a hard time getting him to the car.  The poor guy just couldn't stop swing his arms around and roaring.  He wanted to stop doing it, because he kept looking over at me. As for me I was trying to get the pill bottle open.  Don't you just hate those child proof caps!  Anyway, we got him in the car, gave him his medication and after a few minutes he started to relax.  I called his doctor, because this had been a growing problem for him this past month.  I kept holding off, because I wasn't sure if it was his medication or if he ate something he wasn't suppose to eat.  That's a hard thing to figure out at times.  In the end his doctor upped his medication and so far it looks like it was his medication that was giving him problems.  I know there are many parents out there that are against medication for their children, but in my opinion if it's needed then do it along with the diets.  The diets help to reduce the amount of medication that Kevin needs.  As for it having to be raised up, well I won't be to surprised if it stops working all together for him very soon.  Hopefully not, but I've seen it in the past.  Some of these medications will work for two years and then stop doing what they were meant to do.  After that they have to stay off of them for a year before they can be reintroduced.  I'm not in the medical field that's just been my experience in the past with my son.  Your child may very well react differently.

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