Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Is it Withdrawals, Regression or just Kevin

The past two afternoons for Kevin have been very much like before he started the Gluten-Free diet.  It’s only been 2 ½ weeks for him on this diet, so it may be just Kevin.  It’s not that he is having any of his mood swings.  It’s the ticks that he has that can control him at times.  Mostly they are noises he makes and throwing his arms around or up in the air.  They aren’t harmful to anyone, unless you’re walking by him and get bonked in the head.  He’ll say “sorry” and keep on going with it.  I still think the ticks are related to his medicine, because his doctor has in the past changed his meds (upped them) for two weeks to break a tick that is consuming him.  It’s hard as a mother to sit back and watch these ticks control my son and I still have hope that this will help him.  I’m waiting for the day his teacher says he isn’t making his noises anymore.  I should also explain this.  His ticks were always worse as the days progressed.  His doctor referred to it as sun downing to me once.  I remember my grandfather who had Alzheimer’s would always get worse at the end of the day, too.  Another factor for my grandfather was the heat and I’ve always noticed that Kevin had the same issues.  When it is really hot he gets crankier.  We all do for that matter, but for Kevin it can turn into one of his mood swings.
On a good note, Sunday morning he was a pistol.  We went to breakfast and he had us cracking up.  I carry a note pad for him to draw on while we wait for our food.  He was drawing fish and I was guessing what they were or asking him “what’s that one.”  After a while he would draw one and look up at me with this smirk like ok guess.  I thought for sure I had one and said octopus.   Nope it was a jellyfish!  He thought that was funny.  Boy, it was so nice having him mess with my head like that.

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