I am so ready for this month to be over and if this is how the New Year is going to be No Thanks! Kevin woke up this morning sounding like a small engine plane ready for takeoff and he’s been pretty much like that all weekend. His teacher said in his notebook that he had a great day Friday, but I’m wondering if he had a little of something at the Bowling Tournament that she didn’t see. It is so easy for that to happen at those kinds of things. Well, if he did it was a small amount thankfully and he should be fine in a day or two.
His brother on the other hand is out of school until Tuesday. He had appendicitis last Tuesday and had to have surgery. He and I stayed at the hospital that night and went home the next afternoon. He’s doing great. Even listened to me explain how to get up out of bed after you get home from surgery. Did it all on his own the next day. Thanks Dad for teaching us all that one and Thank You to my brother for being there for Kevin and me.
Needless to say I’m a bit worn out from it all and on top of that I’ve had to deal with the government on some financial help that I had been getting, but was up for renewal. I’m still trying to get things worked out with them. They can’t seem to read my bosses letter on my wages. Thankfully SSI has been helpful on answering question about Kevin turning 18 this year and what I need to do when that happens. They’ll setup an appointment for me to bring him in for an interview, but nothing should change in that department.
Next month is coming! New Doctor! New Month! Can’t wait! In the mean time I’ve gotten some great help from one of my sisters regarding cooking with Coconut Oil for our health. Even helps with Dementia! I also learned from my recipe group that you use ½ cup coconut oil to 1 cup of butter, unless it’s pastries or cookies. I don’t think I’d change those recipes myself, but I’m thinking more about cooking other things with it. I’m just worried about the taste. I’m not a fan of coconut itself, but I think it has more to do with the texture than the taste. Wish me luck!